One of the most powerful studio bosses in Hollywood has called for healthier cinema snacks. Michael Lynton, chairman and chief executive of Sony Pictures, told a convention of cinema owners in Las Vegas that their audiences should be offered granola bars, fruit salad, yogurt and vegetable crudités with dips. Currently, typical cinema snacks include buttered popcorn, ice cream and fizzy drinks.
In Britain, Tim Smith, the chief executive of the Food Standards Agency has requested that cinema snacks should list the number of calories that they contain and also be available in smaller portions. A large portion of sweet popcorn contains an amazing 1800 calories – only 200 less than an average woman’s recommended daily intake. Hot dogs contain 650 calories, nachos with cheese contain 716 calories and a large coca cola contains 328 calories. The amount of essential fats, vitamins and minerals that you get from these snacks are minimal.
With recent research suggesting that 8 out of 10 men and 7 out of 10 women will be obese by 2020, changing habits now may be vital for our health in the next decade. If you’re going to the cinema, why not pop your own corn at home and leave the fat and sugar out? Or take dried frut with unsalted, raw nuts. A punnet of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or cherries are full of cancer busting antioxidants and fruit juice diluted with sparkling mineral water contains vitamins and minerals to support immunity.