How long will my results take?

How long will my results take?

The turnaround time for your results is stated clearly below and on the page that contains all of the information about the test you have chosen. Please mark the date in your diary.

Please do not contact the lab about your results as they are unable to send them to you. They have to be sent back by Smart Nutrition. This is actually a legal requirement. 

The turnaround times below reflect a little extra admin time from when the lab send the results to us and when we can send them to you. We often send them on the same day but occasionally it takes a day or 2 longer and this is reflected in the timings below.

We cannot speed up the process unfortunately as labs set specific times for different tests dependant on the process. Should you need the results for an appointment you need to make sure the turnaround time is long enough for you to get your results.

On occasion labs don’t manage to stick to their TAT’s and if you don’t receive your results by the late afternoon of the day quoted below please get in touch with us – not the lab as they are unable to send out results and we will happily look into it for you.

If you want is to chase up your results please first check the turnaround times as your results may not be be back yet. If your results are late please email the team; 

Please include the following in your email;

  1. The name of the person the test was for.
  2. The test name
  3. The name of the person who ordered the test – of different from the person doing the test.
  4. The date you sent the sample back
  5. How you returned the sample

Having the information above will enable us to chase your results more quickly.

Test nameWorking Days
1 Day Oestrogen and Progesterone16
Adrenal Stress12
Adrenal Thyroid16
AIBA Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessment23
Amino Acids23
Candida, Yeast Culture and Sensitivity14
Cardio Check16
Complete Male Hormonal Health12
Cyrex Array 10 90 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 90 foods16-20
Cyrex Array 10 Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen 180 Foods16-20
Cyrex Array 10C Array 3, 4, & 1016-20
Cyrex Array 11 Chemical Immune16-20
Cyrex Array 12 Pathogen Immune16-20
Cyrex Array 2 Leaky Gut16-20
Cyrex Array 20 Blood Brain Barrier; Leaky Brain16-20
Cyrex Array 3x Wheat and Gluten Reactivity & Autoimmunity16-20
Cyrex Array 4 Gluten Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Food Sensitivity16-20
Cyrex Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Screen16-20
Cyrex Array 7x Neuro Autoimmune Expanded16-20
DetoxiGenomic Profile25
Diamine Oxidase (DAO) Histamine Enzyme12
Comprehansive Digestive Stool Test 1 GI Effects23
Comprehensive Digestive Stool Test 2 GI-MAP23
Comprehensve Digestive Stool Test 3 GI 36023
Digestive Stool Test GI Effects Gut Microbiome19-21
Digestive Stool Test GI Effects Gut Pathogens19-21
DUTCH Adrenal Metabolism14
DUTCH Complete Adrenal and Sex Hormone Panel For Men14
DUTCH Complete Adrenal and Sex Hormone Panel For Women14
Essential Oestrogens25
Fat Soluble Vitamins18
Fatty Acids12
Female Hormone Panel – Rhythm Plus18
Folate Red Blood Cell5
Food Allergy IgE 19+16
Food Intolerance 12012
Food Intolerance 200+12
Food Intolerance 4012
Food Intolerance Simple Indicator Test12
Food Intolerance upgrade 12012
Food Intolerance upgrade 200+12
Food Intolerance upgrade 4012
Genetics Build Your Own Starter Kit
Hair Mineral Analysis30-44
Helicobacter Pylori Stool + Virulence Factors & Sensitivity Panel19-27
Inhalant Allergy (25 Inhalents + Total IgE)9
Macroscopic Examination for Worms14
Menopause Plus26
Metabolic Syndrome/Insulin Resistance9
Metabolomix+ Previously ONE23
Methylation Panel16
MOAT Microbial Organic Acids Test32
OAT Organic Acids Test Great Plains12
Oral Ecologix – Oral Microbiome Check22
Oxidative Stress Urine16
Pyroluria Kryptopyrroles & HPU23
SIBO Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth4
Thyroid Plus12
Thyroid T3/T416
Toxic Heavy Metals14
Urinary Ecologix19
Vaginal Microbiome17

Please do not return samples to the laboratories that may arrive after Wednesday 27th March and up to and including Monday 2nd April.

The laboratories are closed from the 28th March – 2nd April for the Easter Holiday.