Smart Nutrition spent an amazing evening last night with the team from Viva Mayr from the beautiful medical spa which is nestled amongst the hills and sits on the edges of a glorious lake in Austria.
We were lucky enough to sample some of the Viva culinary delights prepared by the head chef ‘Florian Klinger’. We chose from avocado spread a delicious smooth and creamy dip, artichoke hearts filled with artichoke and shrimp puree – pure heaven, pumpkin and parsnip soups…mmm, steamed trout and vegetables which were exquisitely presented and finished off with some Austrian strudel cookies.
The Viva philosophy is all about eating well, a visit to the spa will help you to retrain your eating habits paying particular attention to chewing your food and supporting your digestion.
Still saving for a Viva trip then start putting the philosophy into practice at home.
Eat at a table and not crunched up on the sofa to give your digestive juices room to work.
Chew you food thoroughly – if you’re a fast eater and always finish first aim to finish after you partner.
Don’t drink lots of fluid with you meals as this dilutes stomach acid.
Don’t eat when you’re angry or upset as the hormone adrenaline that you produce at these times shuts down digestion.
Don’t eat on the go as again the energy needed for your digestion will be going to your muscles..
Chew chew chew chew and chew…. this begins the whole digestive process and helps the body to start producing digestive juices.