Well, I think they do and often tell people with constipation to eat them.
A panel of European ‘experts’, who have the job of telling European citizens what they can be told about the health benefits of food, have agreed that there was insufficient evidence provided to establish a cause and effect relationship between prunes and normal bowel function. I am talking about EFSA’s Panel on Dietetic Foods, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) Perhaps they should sample some prunes for breakfast and see if they would like to change their minds.
If you are curious to know how Mother Nature ensures healthy bowels through the humble prune, read on. Prunes are a great source of fibre, but they also contain something called dihydrophenylisatin whihc is a laxative. This enables a more healthy and regular rhythm of contraction (peristalsis), which helps to ensure regular movements.
Prunes also contain different sugars, especially sorbitol. Sorbitol in particular is like a magnet for fluids, helping to draw fluid into the intestines keeping the waste soft and speeding its passage out of the body. It’s thought that the dihydrophenylisatin and the sorbitol are enough on their own to yield the desired benefit Which explains why prune juice which does not contain any fibre also manages to work.