It can be difficult knowing which digestive test is the right one for you…..
Below is a video explaining my most popular digestive health tests and why I recommend them
Link to the SIBO test discussed in the video
Link to the GI Effects test discussed in the video
Link to the GI MAP test discussed in the video
Please also find a summary of all of the digestive tests I offer below.
Have a read through the information and click on the one that interests you for more detail and sample reports. If you are still unsure please do get in touch as we are happy to help.
Digestive Stool Test 1 Comprehensive – GI Effects
This new health test offers the best of the the two stool tests we used to along with combining new technology for checking levels of 24 different types of bacteria. The is done via a new process called PCR. This works by checking the DNA of the bacteria and is fast becoming the world leader in ways to test for bacteria.
This test checks how well you are breaking down protein, absorbing fats and digesting carbohydrates. It checks for inflammation and the health of the immune system that works within the gut. It also has markers that are associated with the health of the gut wall and looks at toxicity in the gut. All of the above plus a culture ( growing) good and bad bacteria and yeasts and checking the DNA of 24 different bacteria and it also looks for parasites and eggs. It is now also available with zonulin which is one of the ways that we test for intestinal permeability / leaky gut between the gut cell walls – not through the gut cell walls. To test permeability through the cell wall as well as between them don’t add the zonulin to this test opt for the comprehensive leaky gut test aswell which can be found here.
I use this test in my IBS and SIBO clinics when I want to thoroughly assess digestive function, look at the microbiome and look for some bad guys as well.
Digestive Stool Test 2 Comprehensive – GI MAP
The GI Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP) was designed to assess a patient’s microbiome from a single stool sample, with particular attention to microbes that cause disease or that disrupt normal microbial balance and contribute to perturbations in the GI flora and contribute to illness. The GI map is the best test to use when wanting to assess bad guys as it looks at bacteria, yeasts, viruses and parasites all via the new PCR – DNA testing which is thought to be a better way of assessing bad guys than culture as this can miss bugs that don’t grow in a pertri dish or in oxygen. This test also offers some digestive health markers to assess your ability to digest and absorb food.
NEW UPGRADE OCT 2022 – The GI MAP has recently been upgraded and now includes a broader antimicrobial panel – bad guys – as well as improved markers for digestive health
Digestive Stool Test 3 Comprehensive – GI 360
Another king amongst stool tests offering a broad range of markers that does not only use the up to date PCR – DNA testing but also uses culture ( growing in a petri dish) which provides you with a sensitivity panel. This tells you exactly what would work – pharmaceutical or herbal, to address any bad bacteria or yeasts that may have been cultured. Abundance and balance of bacteria are also checked as well as a rigorous look at digestive function.
Standard Digestive Stool Test
This test is now considered out of date and is no longer available. We recommend the GI effects, GI 360 or GI MAP Instead.
Digestive Stool Test GI Effects – Gut Microbiome
This test check for levels of 24 good / commensal bacteria plus yeasts via a PCR DNA check – this looks for the DNA of the bacteria which gives a good overall understanding of the diversity of bacteria and overall gut health. It also cultures (grows) good bacteria and bad bacteria and yeasts and provides a sensitivity panel to show which natural and pharmaceutical agents would be effective against any bad bacteria or yeasts that are found. The test also looks for parasites using EIA and includes microscopic checks for parasites. Your results would show an overall picture of your gut health broken down into infection, inflammation, Insufficiency and imbalance showing you the relative diversity of bacteria along with an easy to see a comparison of your bacteria against a healthy population.
Digestive Stool test GI Effects Gut Pathogens
The GI Effects Gut Pathogen Profile is a useful profile to consider if you have had a recent gastrointestinal infection or a sudden change in bowel habits. The GI Effects Gut pathogen Profile is also ideal for those who have recently travelled abroad, have been camping, had exposure to untreated water, had close contact with animals or consumed undercooked meat or seafood.
You might choose this profile if you are experiencing any acute digestive symptoms. It also allows you to check your progress if an initial comprehensive assessment found the presence of pathogens which you have since addressed.
SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) – Breath test
SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) is a condition in the small intestine where good or bad bacteria begin to congregate in far higher numbers than normal. The bacteria cause a wide variety of uncomfortable and often embarrassing symptoms for millions of SIBO sufferers. SIBO is now recognised as a leading cause of IBS. Symptoms of SIBO can affect much more than just digestion so sadly it is often missed as a possible cause of some health problems. The only way to currently diagnose this condition is by taking a simple breath test to use at home.
Candida, Yeast Culture and Sensitivity
An overgrowth of the yeast candida can lead to many symptoms that are not only digestive such as bloating and wind, leaky gut, food intolerances. The sensitivity panel that is included in this test shows which natural treatments and pharmaceutical medication will be effective.
MOAT – Microbial Organic Acid Test – Urine
This is a urine test indicates the metabolites (break down products) produced by yeast and bacteria in the gut.
Macroscopic Examination for Worms
This macroscopic examination for worms is carried out visually and confirms the identity and presence of worms – cestodes, nematodes, trematodes – that may be shed in the stool.
Oral Ecologix – Oral Microbiome Check
Bacterial imbalances which start in the mouth don’t just stay in the mouth! Infection, injury, dietary changes and risk factors such as smoking can disrupt the balance of the bacteria found in the mouth, resulting in a disturbance or dysbiosis and an overgrowth of potentially harmful pathogenic bacteria. This can grow and contribute to pathologies such as dental caries or periodontitis, and other more systemic conditions of disease.
Standard Microbiome Stool Test
This test is now considered out of date and is no longer available. We recommend the Comprehensive Microbiome stool test instead
Leaky gut is also known as intestinal permeability. A normal healthy gut lining allows certain molecules to pass across into the bloodstream such as vitamins, minerals and digested foods. It also acts as a barrier to prevent entry of larger damaging molecules, foreign particles and bacteria. A leaky gut is associated with digestive problems and food sensitivity and new research also links it to autoimmune diseases and a myriad of other health issues.
Leaky Gut Test 1 AIBA Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessement
The AIBA checks for Zonulin, Histamine and DAO the enzyme responsible for breaking down histamine as well as LPS – Lipopolysaccharides.LPS are found on the outer surfaces of some gut bacteria and when found in the blood, it means they are passing not only between intestinal cells, but also directly through the cells, potentially causing inflammation.
Leaky Gut Test 2 Cyrex Array 2 Leaky Gut
This comprehensive test checks for permeability through the cell walls – Zonulin and also permeability through the cells as well but looking at Actomysosin and Occludin that show permeability via the breakdown of these different parts of the gut wall. This test also looks at LPS and Zonulin.
Leaky Test 3 Zonulin Add Ons
Zonulin acts like a shoelace to pull the cell walls together and if altered is a marker of permeability between the cells. This test does not look at permeability through the cells nor histamine and DAO as the Comprehensive tests for Leaky gut above do
This test can be added onto GI Effects Stool Test, GI Effects Microbial Ecology Profile also called the Comprehensive Microbiome stool test.
Calprotectin Test
Calprotectin is a marker for inflammation in the gut and this test is designed to help differentiate between Irritable bowel syndrome and Inflammatory bowel disease or active disease as calprotectin plays an important part in the inflammatory process.
Coeliac Disease Test
A simple blood test to help confirm whether celiac disease is the cause of your digestive issues.
Helicobacter Pylori Stool + Virulence Factors & Sensitivity Panel
Helicobacter Pylori is a bacterial infection that is strongly linked to stomach and duodenal ulcers. This test can be used to confirm the presence of Helicobacter pylori and its virulence factors showing if it is a more aggressive form of H Pylori. In addition, this test includes sensitivity panels showing which medications would be the most effective against your strain of H. Pylori.
As H Pylori can be difficult to eradicate the test can be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.
Helicobacter pylori and virulence factors are also checked in the comprehensive GI MAP comprehensive Stool Test.
Histamine Intolerance happens when people have a low level of the DAO enzyme that breaks down histamine, so when they eat too many histamine-rich foods they may suffer allergy-like symptoms such as headaches, rashes, itching, diarrhoea and vomiting or abdominal pain. Checking levels of Histamine and DAO helps to give clarity about the cause of some digestive symptoms.
Diamine Oxidase (DAO) Histamine Enzyme
An enzyme called diamine oxidase that is made in the gut is responsible for breaking down any histamine that we absorb from a histamine-containing food. If this works well, eating a food which contains histamine does not affect us. Some people have a low level of this enzyme and may suffer allergy-like symptoms such as headaches, rashes, itching, diarrhoea and vomiting or abdominal pain when they eat too many histamine-rich foods.