Test your methylation genes and support any areas that are compromised.
The fastest SIBO Test, complete at home and get your results in 5 working days. SIBO is where you have high levels of bacteria in the small intestine and maybe contributing to your digestive symptoms
The fastest SIBO Test, complete at home and get your results in 5 working days. SIBO is where you have high levels of bacteria in the small intestine and maybe contributing to your digestive symptoms
Is a SIBO test right for me?
Do you have IBS? Diarrhoea, Constipation, Uncomfortable Bloating and Gas? Could SIBO be the cause?
Perhaps you have cystitis, restless legs or rosacea. Or you may have an autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia? Research now shows that SIBO may be contributing to these health issues.
Thankfully, there’s a simple way to check for SIBO – a convenient breath test that you can easily perform at home and at Smart Nutrition we pride ourselves in offering the best cost possible for the SIBO Test.
Quite simply SIBO – Small intestine bacterial Overgrowth is a condition where levels of bacteria in the small intestines, both good and/or bad bacteria, are present in higher levels than they should be.
Research shows that SIBO is responsible for up to 78% of cases of IBS (ref.) And SIBO can affect people in many different ways. Digestive issues are most common with bloating, constipation and/or diarrhoea, gas, flatulence, belching, cramps and discomfort being typical but SIBO is a complicated condition and it can cause a broad range of symptoms. Often missed as a contributory factor to many health issues, SIBO can play a part in chronic fatigue (CFS), rosacea, restless legs, cystitis, prostate issues, cystitis and many more health concerns
At Smart Nutrition we pride ourselves in offering the best cost possible for the SIBO Test UK – Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth test.
Most common SIBO symptoms:
Other related digestive SIBO symptoms:
Less well known SIBO symptoms:
Research shows the main cause of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a reduction or slowing of motility (the movement of food) through the gut. Imagine your digestive system flowing like a stream then think of a stagnant pond where bacteria can easily flourish and grow in large unwanted amounts opposed to a clean, free-flowing stream which keeps bacteria levels as they should be.
1. The cleansing sweeping action ‘Migrating Motor Complex’ MMC in the gut stops working properly. The MMC makes cleansing, sweeping-like motions between meals that “clean” the small intestine. This should move undigested food and excess bacteria towards the large intestines. When the MMC is faulty, undigested food becomes food for the bacteria causing or exacerbating SIBO. The major cause of malfunctioning MMC is food poisioning.
2. Structural changes which affect the motility of the gut can also cause SIBO. Some diseases, medical conditions and procedures can cause these structural changes. For example, scarring after operations, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulosis, blind loops, radiation damage, stricture, fistulas, intestinal pseudo obstruction and adhesions resulting from surgery are all known to impact on or cause SIBO.
Our at home SIBO test measures levels of Hydrogen and Methane in the breath.
After drinking a sugary (fermentable) solution elevated levels of hydrogen and methane in the breath indicate an overgrowth of bacteria ie SIBO.
You will need to collect 10 breath samples collected over 3 hours which ensure more accurate results compared to the usual 7 samples taken over 2.5 hours.
This is important as it adds value when interpreting and understanding results. And adds value when comparing a repeat test after any SIBO treatment plans.
Your kit will include comprehensive instructions and a link to a video guiding you through the process of collecting your breath samples.
Before collecting samples for your SIBO breath test you will need to follow a preparation diet and then you will need to fast over night but you also need to make sure you also follow the guidance below too (which will be included in your instructions)
1 month prior to doing your at home, SIBO Test:
2 weeks prior to doing your at home, SIBO Test:
One day prior to doing your at home, SIBO Test:
You also need to follow a preparation diet for 24 hours before the test. If you are constipated, please follow the prep diet for 48 hours before the test.
The evening /night before doing your at home, SIBO Test:you will need to fast overnight – water is allowed.
Prep diet
Choose from:
Avoid all other types of food during the prep diet to ensure accurate results. Failure to stick to the prep diet will make your results invalid.
Example Meal Plan
Breakfast | Snack | Lunch | Snack | Dinner |
Scrambled eggs | Chicken broth | Chicken and white rice seasoned with salt and pepper | Chicken broth | Fish and white rice seasoned with salt and pepper |
Drinks | ||||
Water is allowed throughout the day as needed. |
Please note we have recently changed labs for processing the SIBO test – the exact same equipment as the previous lab will be used. This is the Quintron analysis used by all of the best SIBO labs around the world.
The SIBO Test is suitable for;
Adults: suitable for all ages.
If your weight is less than 50lbs you will need to speak to us and consult your medical professional to discuss a suitable dosage of the solution prior to completing this test.
Children: Children need to be competent in blowing into a balloon and we need to know the weight of your child so that we can advise about the correct amount of the solution to drink. Please speak to us and consult your medical professional to discuss a suitable dosage of the solution prior to completing this test.
The cost of UK return postage is covered by your fee for the SIBO test and it will arrive with a fully paid and addressed envelope for you to easily return your samples.
Samples returned from outside of the UK. The vials can be posted by airmail if you’re outside the UK. Any fee for this is not included in the SIBO test fee.
Samples need to arrive back at the lab within 7 days of completing the samples.
Your SIBO test results will be ready in 5 working days.
We will email your SIBO test results to you with comments from our functional medicine team along with an interpretation guide.
Should need any further help with your results you can book in a phone call and speak to one of our SIBO experts too as we want to be sure you fully understand the test findings and the options available to you to help you to address your results too.
Is the SIBO Test available in the UK
Our SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) test is available for purchase in the UK.
Is the SIBO Test available in Europe
We offer our SIBO test throughout Europe. Simply check the appropriate box for shipping at checkout.
Is the SIBO Test available in the Rest of the World
We’re happy to ship SIBO test kits worldwide. If your country isn’t covered at checkout, please contact admin@smartnutrition.co.uk for assistance. Additional postage fees may apply to some locations.
How long do Smart SIBO Test results take?
Results typically take 5 working days, although we aim to provide them sooner whenever possible.
How long can I take to do the SIBO Test?
You need to complete the test within 6 months from the date of your order.
How long does it take to complete the SIBO Test?
The SIBO test takes 3 hours to complete, but you’ll need to follow a prep diet for 1 day before, or 2 days if constipated.
Is breath testing the best way to measure small intestinal bacterial overgrowth?
Research supports breath testing as the best method for detecting SIBO. You can find more information in the paper “Hydrogen and Methane-based breath testing in gastrointestinal disorders: The North American Consensus”.
Will you explain what my results mean?
Yes, we provide an email explaining your results, including whether they’re hydrogen or methane positive or negative, or if they suggest a possible hydrogen sulphide type of SIBO. We also include a supporting document for interpretation that you can share with your healthcare provider.
What is SIBO, SIFO, and LIFO?
SIBO refers to too much bacteria in the small intestine, LIFO means too much bacteria in the large intestine, and SIFO means small intestinal fungal overgrowth.
Can the SIBO breath test detect SIFO (Small Intestine Fungal Overgrowth)?
No, the SIBO breath test cannot detect SIFO. You’ll need a urine or stool test for that. If you’re concerned or interested in testing for fungal overgrowth, please contact us at admin@smartnutrition.co.uk.
Can my child take the Smart SIBO Breath test?
Yes, as long as your child is over 50 lbs and can blow into a tube. For children under 50 lbs, please contact us for adjustments to the solution amount.
What is the small intestine or small bowel?
The small intestine, or small bowel, is part of the digestive tract located between the stomach and the large intestine. It’s where most nutrients are absorbed, and normal levels of bacteria help keep the gut healthy. The large intestine’s primary function is to absorb water and form stool.
Should there be equal amounts of bacteria in the small intestine and the large intestine?
No, in a healthy digestive tract, there should be 100 thousand bacteria per 8th of a teaspoon in the small intestine and 10 to 100 billion bacteria per 8th of a teaspoon in the large intestine.
Is the program to treat SIBO included in the cost of the test if my results are positive?
Unfortunately, no. The cost of the Smart SIBO test covers the test only.
Why don’t we include a plan to address your SIBO along with your results?
Because everyone is different, and SIBO is chronic in two-thirds of people, meaning it often recurs unless you address the underlying reasons. Treating SIBO requires addressing the root cause (or causes), so an off-the-shelf program wouldn’t be suitable for everyone.
There are various treatment options available for SIBO, depending on whether you are hydrogen or methane positive, whether your symptoms and results indicate hydrogen sulfide positivity, and whether SIFO (small intestine fungal overgrowth) is a concern.
A comprehensive program should also address any other digestive imbalances that may be causing or contributing to your SIBO. Therefore, we believe an off-the-shelf plan is not be the right option to ensure resolution of your SIBO.
Instead, we collaborate closely with a group of Functional Medicine practitioners and experienced nutritional therapists, along with a private GP.
You will receive details of these practitioners with your results if you want to explore a bespoke, personalised plan. This plan will carefully investigate, track, and support your individual SIBO and digestive health picture.
I have lactose intolerance and want to do the SIBO test. Will this be a problem?
No, this won’t be a problem. Both of our tests are dairy-free. The hydrogen and methane test may be easily confused with a lactose test, but it actually contains a mixture of galactose and fructose to make up the test solution.
Do I need to follow any special dietary requirements for the SIBO test?
Yes, you will need to follow a special low-fermentation diet for 1 day before the test, or if constipated, for 2 days. The instructions include full details about the diet, including meal ideas.
I have just finished a course of antibiotics. Can I still do the SIBO test?
You need a break of two weeks after antibiotics before you can do the SIBO test.
I have just finished a course of natural plant-based antimicrobials. Can I still do the SIBO test?
You need a break of two weeks after a course of natural antimicrobials before you can do the SIBO test.
I take probiotics. Can I still do the SIBO test?
You need a break of two weeks after stopping probiotics before you can do the Smart SIBO test.
Can I take laxatives the night before the SIBO test?
Unfortunately not – laxatives would interfere with the test results. If your laxatives are prescribed, please discuss with your doctor whether stopping them for 1 day is OK for you. You can take laxatives if needed on the day of the test – after you have finished taking your breath samples.
Do I need to stop any supplements before doing the SIBO test?
You need to stop probiotics for 2 weeks before the test. Digestive aids such as digestive enzymes and betaine HCL (stomach acid) should be stopped the day before the test.
Do I need to stop taking any medication before I do the SIBO test?
Please do not stop any medication without the consent of your doctor. In the past, it was believed PPIs needed to be stopped before testing, but this is no longer the case. You can take the test while using PPIs, but on the day of the test, please take your PPI after you have completed the test if authorised by your GP. Laxatives should not be taken the day before the test. Do not stop taking any medication without the approval of your doctor.
Can I drink water the night before the SIBO test when fasting?
Yes, drinking water is allowed while fasting.
I have just had a colonoscopy. Can I still do the SIBO test?
You must wait at least 1 month after a colonoscopy before doing the SIBO test.
I have just had some Barium studies. Can I still do the SIBO test?
You must wait at least 1 month after having Barium studies before doing the Smart SIBO test.
Preparation for the test
You will be sent full instructions with your SIBO test kit. To do the test you will need to follow a prep diet for 1 day, or if constipated 2 days before the SIBO test and then you will need to fast overnight before doing the test. Water is allowed whilst fasting. Your instructions include details about which foods you can eat and provide a meal plan as well.
On the day of the test
In the morning you will take a control breath sample and then drink the solution provided with the test kit. You then collect a breath sample every 20 minutes for the next 3 hours. After the last sample has been collected you can then eat and drink as normal.
Should I remove the grey rubber around the needle of the breath collecting kit?
No, Please don’t remove it. It helps to produce a good seal around the vial.
There is a hole in the blue breath collection bag. Should I tape it up?
The hole is there on purpose. Please don’t tape it up. It helps to get the correct breath sample.
Have you any tips re taking the breath sample?
Please have a look at the video that explains how to take the sample but feedback I have been given is that stand in front of a mirror may help you to see what you are doing.
Should I be able to see my breath in the test tube?
You generally won’t be able to see your breath go into the test tube but you might see some condensation.
Returning your samples
Samples need to arrive back at the lab within 7 days of completing the samples.
The vials can be posted by airmail should you be outside the UK.
Getting your results
Results are returned in 5 working days.
Once processed (using the certified Quintron equipment) your results will be plotted on a graph. A rise in either hydrogen, methane or both at inappropriate points on the graph will demonstrate fermentation and the presence of bacterial overgrowth – SIBO.
All sample reports are for representational and educational purposes only. Biomarkers, references ranges, results, and all other data may differ from actual reports. All data included in no way represents an actual patient. Any comparisons of results to actual patients is completely incidental.
Test your methylation genes and support any areas that are compromised.
This test looks at metabolites produced by yeast and bacteria, with elevated levels indicating yeast or bacterial dysbiosis.
The GI Effects comprehensive stool test looks at digestive function, the gut microbiome and bacteria, yeasts, parasites and worms so that any imbalances can be corrected.
The OAT Organic Acids Test includes 75 organic acids to give a metabolic snapshot of overall health, methylation, gut microbiome, oxalates, neurotransmitters, toxicity, nutrient status and much more.
The NutrEval test is the most comprehensive health MOT available. It identifies nutritional deficiencies and insufficiencies for over 125 markers and provides personalised recommendations for each.
Please do not return samples to the laboratories that may arrive after Wednesday 27th March and up to and including Monday 2nd April.
The laboratories are closed from the 28th March – 2nd April for the Easter Holiday.