The fastest SIBO Test, complete at home and get your results in 5 working days. SIBO is where you have high levels of bacteria in the small intestine and maybe contributing to your digestive symptoms
This test looks at the breakdown of different essential fatty acids and provides the ratio of your omega 3:6. It is essential to have these in balance for optimal wellbeing and cognitive function.
This test looks at the breakdown of different essential fatty acids and provides the ratio of your omega 3:6. It is essential to have these in balance for optimal wellbeing and cognitive function.
Years of negative associations of dietary fat with calories, cholesterol and even cancer have resulted in the attitude among the general public and many medical professionals that fat should simply be avoided. Yet fatty acids, of which fats are made up of, are critical to normal human function.
Certain key essential fatty acids (EFA’s) are thought to be partially responsible for the development of the human brain in evolutionary terms, and the human capacity for creativity among other things.
EFAs are needed in constant supply and are used to form powerful hormones and cell membranes, and as an efficient source of stored energy. Deficiencies are now prevalent due to modern diets being high in saturated and hydrogenated fats, but low in the many essential fats.
The Omega-6/Omega-3 Ratio:
EFA imbalances have been cited by some experts as the most widespread nutritional problem in modern times. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats has increased dramatically due to the widespread use of vegetable oils, rising from about 4:1 for Americans at the beginning of the twentieth century to about 20:1 at the present time. Increased consumption of saturated fats and decreased consumption of omega-3 oils (from sources such as cold water fish and flaxseed oil) have also contributed to the growing prevalence of these imbalances. Some individuals with a healthy dietary balance of fatty acids may still have biochemical abnormalities that interfere with their ability to properly metabolise those fats. They may require more targeted supplementation.
At Smart Nutrition we pride ourselves in offering the best cost possible for the fatty acids test.
Omega 3 fatty acids
Omega 6 fatty acids
Omega 7 fatty acids
Omega 9 fatty acids
Mono unsaturated fatty acids
Saturated fats
Trans fats
Delta 6 desaturase activity
Cardiovascular risk:
Omega 6: Omega 3
Arachadonic acid : EPA
Omega 3 index
Individual analytes include:
This is a blood test that requires an easy at-home blood spot collection.
If you have difficulty providing a finger prick sample you may like to arrange a blood draw. You will need to arrange this via your GP or a private phlebotomy service; the fee for this is not included with your test fee.
An overnight fast is required – please drink water only.
2 years and above.
You must allow your blood card to air dry for 24 hours before packing it to return to the laboratory.
Please return via a next day service Monday – Thursday only. A courier option is sent with your test kit. You pay the laboratory directly for this test and the return courier if you choose to use this service. You can also make your own arrangements for returning your samples via a next day service.
12 working days.
Your test results will be emailed to you.
All sample reports are for representational and educational purposes only. Biomarkers, references ranges, results, and all other data may differ from actual reports. All data included in no way represents an actual patient. Any comparisons of results to actual patients is completely incidental.Â
The fastest SIBO Test, complete at home and get your results in 5 working days. SIBO is where you have high levels of bacteria in the small intestine and maybe contributing to your digestive symptoms
The GI Effects comprehensive stool test looks at digestive function, the gut microbiome and bacteria, yeasts, parasites and worms so that any imbalances can be corrected.
The OAT Organic Acids Test includes 75 organic acids to give a metabolic snapshot of overall health, methylation, gut microbiome, oxalates, neurotransmitters, toxicity, nutrient status and much more.
This test evaluates key hormones that change during menopause. It covers adrenal hormones and melatonin to give a complete overview to your hormone imbalances.
The NutrEval test is the most comprehensive health MOT available. It identifies nutritional deficiencies and insufficiencies for over 125 markers and provides personalised recommendations for each.
Please do not return samples to the laboratories that may arrive after Wednesday 27th March and up to and including Monday 2nd April.
The laboratories are closed from the 28th March – 2nd April for the Easter Holiday.