DUTCH COMPLETE Adrenal and Sex Hormone Panel For Men

Testosterone declines as men age. Test your Testosterone and other hormone levels with the Complete DUTCH Adrenal and Sex Hormone Test.


DUTCH COMPLETE Adrenal and Sex Hormone Panel For Men

Testosterone declines as men age. Test your Testosterone and other hormone levels with the Complete DUTCH Adrenal and Sex Hormone Test.


What does the DUTCH Complete Test cover? 

The Dutch Complete (Adrenal and Sex Hormone) is a comprehensive assessment of sex and adrenal hormones and their metabolites. The DUTCH Complete test is broken down into 3 areas and the test covers the following elements:

  • DUTCH Sex Hormones
  • DUTCH Adrenal
  • DUTCH Organic Acid Tests

DUTCH Sex Hormones

The DUTCH sex Hormone panel looks at hormone measurements including oestrogen metabolites, androgen metabolites (testosterone, DHEA, DHT) and progesterone metabolites. As well as the raw data this information is provided as a graphical representation so that any breakdown pathways can be easily understood.

DUTCH Adrenal 

The DUTCH adrenal Panel looks at daily free cortisol and cortisone, in addition to looking at metabolites of cortisol and DHEA. It covers creatine measurements for the 4 testing measurements taken throughout the day.

DUTCH Organic Acid Tests (OAT)

The DUTCH Organic Acid tests give a comprehensive overview of potential hormone and metabolite imbalances or deficiencies that both effect our overall health and energy levels. This test looks at nutritional organic acids such as Vitamin B6 and B12, biotin markers and glutathione. It includes the gut marker indican that can indicate potential dysbiosis is high.

In addition, it covers neurological inflammatory markers as some neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine. Melatonin and oxidative stress are covered.


Should you do a DUTCH Complete Panel for Men?

It can help identify the root causes of hormone imbalances in men. The test includes markers providing information about adrenal (stress) hormones as well as reproductive hormones (oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone).

Balanced levels of sex hormones throughout life are crucial for optimal health. Sex hormones influence reproductive capability and sexual characteristics. They contribute to the determination of our body shape, sexual character, motivation, behaviour and fertility. They fluctuate throughout life and imbalances in these pathways can result in a variety of symptoms.

The sex hormones oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone belong to the steroid hormone group, which also includes DHEA, testosterone and cortisol. They work together to influence cellular physiology in many ways through connected pathways.

This test test can be used to gather baseline measurements for the administration and monitoring of hormone replacement therapy, such as testosterone.

At Smart Nutrition we pride ourselves in offering the best cost possible for the DUTCH complete adrenal and sex hormone panel for men.




Over time, men experience a gradual loss of hormones produced in the gonads and adrenal glands. Declining testosterone and other anabolic hormones in men from the mid-30s onward may influence the age-related deteriorations in the body and function.

Testosterone and DHEA levels fall and oestrogen levels tend to rise. Male menopause, or what is also termed ‘andropause,’ can contribute to the following symptoms:

  • Weight gain
  • Loss of libido or lower sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Sleeping problems
  • Fatigue
  • Increased prostate cancer risk

The rate of decline in testosterone levels varies in different individuals and is affected by chronic disease, such as obesity, illness, emotional stress, and medications. This decline can be decelerated by management of health and lifestyle factors.

Many men feel this is part of getting older and do not realise that we can investigate the hormone imbalances and address them to help optimise health.

The test measures testosterone, the stress hormones DHEA-S and Cortisol plus progesterone and oestrogen and their breakdown products. It covers 35 different hormones.

  • Oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone – the important sex hormones
  • Daily free cortisol including 4 different samples taken over 24 hours providing information about stress patterns throughout the day.
  • Oxidative stress marker (8OHdG) providing information about free radicals and damage to cells
  • Melatonin – the major modulator of circadian rhythms in the body associated with the sleep / wake cycle.
  • Organic acids including markers for vitamin B12 (methylmalonate), vitamin B6 (xanthurenate), glutathione (pyroglutamate), dopamine (homovanillate), adrenaline (vanilmandelate), and serotonin (5-hydroxy indole acetate). These provide information about metabolism/workings in the body’s pathways. 


  • 16-OH-E1
  • 2-Methoxy-E1
  • 2-OH-E1
  • 2-OH-E2
  • 24 hour free cortisol
  • 24 hour free cortisone
  • 4-OH-E1
  • 4-OH-E2
  • 5-Hydroxyindolacetate (5HIAA)
  • 5a-Androstaendiol
  • 5a-DHT
  • 5b-Androstanediol
  • 8-Hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG)
  • a-Pregnanediol
  • a-Tetrahydrocortisol (a-THF)
  • Androsterone
  • b-Hydroxyisovalerate
  • b-Pregnanediol
  • b-Tetrahydrocortisone (b-THE)
  • b-Tetrahyrodcortisol (b-THF)
  • Cortisol (free) x 4
  • Cortisone (free) x 4
  • DHEA-S
  • Epi-Testosterone
  • Estradiol (E2)
  • Estriol (E3)
  • Estrone (E1)
  • Ethylmalonic
  • Etiocholanolone
  • Homovanillate (HVA)
  • Indican
  • Kynurenate
  • Melatonin
  • Metabolized cortisol (THF+THE)
  • Methylation activity (2-Me-E1 / 2-OH-E1)
  • Methylmalonic acid (MMA)
  • Progesterone
  • Progesterone (serum equivalent)
  • Pyroglutamate
  • Quinolinate (neuroinflammation marker)
  • Testosterone
  • Total DHEA
  • Total Oestrogen (Estrogen)
  • Vanilmandelate (VMA)
  • Xanthurenate



DUTCH stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones – it’s a urine hormone test.

The DUTCH test is simple and easy to do. Urine samples are taken using filter paper, making the test suitable for use at home.


Please read the instructions that are included with the test.

48 hours prior to sample collection you will need to avoid the following foods, avocados, bananas and fava beans.

Some supplements may impact the result. If you take any of the following, please let your practitioner know: tyrosine, L-Dopa, D,L-phenylalanine (DLPA), mucuna and quercetin.



15 years and above.



Please return using the pre paid label and shipping instructions included with your test kit.



Your test results will be emailed to you.












DUTCH COMPLETE Adrenal and Sex Hormone Panel For Men

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Please do not return samples to the laboratories that may arrive after Wednesday 27th March and up to and including Monday 2nd April.

The laboratories are closed from the 28th March – 2nd April for the Easter Holiday.