DUTCH PLUS Test – COMPLETE Adrenal and Sex Hormone Test with CORTISOL AWAKENING RESPONSE (CAR) For Women

The DUTCH Plus Test UK is a complete hormone and adrenal test that can help identify the root causes of hormone and adrenal imbalances in women





DUTCH PLUS Test – COMPLETE Adrenal and Sex Hormone Test with CORTISOL AWAKENING RESPONSE (CAR) For Women

The DUTCH Plus Test UK is a complete hormone and adrenal test that can help identify the root causes of hormone and adrenal imbalances in women





What is the DUTCH Plus test?

The DUTCH test is a Dried Urine test for Comprehensive Hormones. The DUTCH test is broken down into 4 areas and each test covers some or all of these elements:

  • DUTCH Sex Hormones
  • DUTCH Adrenal
  • DUTCH Organic Acid Tests
  • DUTCH Cortisol Awakening Response

DUTCH Sex Hormones

The DUTCH sex Hormone panel looks at hormone measurements including oestrogen metabolites, androgen metabolites (testosterone, DHEA, DHT) and progesterone metabolites. As well as the raw data this information is provided as a graphical representation so that any breakdown pathways can be easily understood.

DUTCH Adrenal

The DUTCH adrenal Panel looks at daily free cortisol and cortisone, in addition to looking at metabolites of cortisol and DHEA. It covers creatine measurements for the 4 testing measurements taken throughout the day.

DUTCH Organic Acid Tests (OAT)

The DUTCH Organic Acid tests give a comprehensive overview of potential hormone and metabolite imbalances or deficiencies that both effect our overall health and energy levels. This test looks at nutritioal organic acids such as Vitamin B6 and B12, biotin markers and glutathione. It includes the gut marker indican that can indicate potential dysbiosis is high.

In addition, it covers neurological inflammatory markers as some neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine. Melatonin and oxidative stress are covered.

DUTCH Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR)  

This gives information on adrenal function with cortisol awakening response so that cortisol levels can be mapped throughout the day to really pin point imbalances. It also shows the daily free cortisol and cortisone patterns.

What does the DUTCH Plus Test measure?

The DUTCH Plus Test covers all of the four areas above; Sex hormone and their metabolites, Adrenal hormones, Organic acid tests and the Cortisol Awakening Response. The DUTCH Plus test can help identify the root causes of hormone and adrenal imbalances in both men and women.

Balanced levels of sex hormones throughout life are crucial for optimal health for both men and women. Sex hormones influence reproductive capability and sexual characteristics. They contribute to the determination of our body shape, sexual character, motivation, behaviour and fertility. They fluctuate throughout life and imbalances in these pathways can result in a variety of symptoms.

The sex hormones oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone belong to the steroid hormone group, which also includes DHEA, testosterone and cortisol. They work together to influence cellular physiology in many ways through connected pathways.

The DUTCH test can also be used to gather baseline measurements for the administration and monitoring of hormone replacement therapy.

Should you do a DUTCH Plus Test?

If you’re experiencing a hormonal imbalance, you may notice symptoms such as irregular menstruation (including heavy or painful periods), PMS, headaches, reduced libido, bloating, mood swings, fatigue, anxiety, depression, breast tenderness, and conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, acne, or weight gain all of which can be influenced by hormones, Completing the DUTCH Test will give you valuable information

When undergoing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), it’s vital to consider how your body metabolizes these hormones and assess the potential risk of estrogen buildup.

The DUTCH plus provides the same information as the DUTCH complete but also looks at the cortisol Awakening Response (CAR), which really focuses on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, for an in-depth insight into the adrenal function.

The CAR test is measured at five points throughtout the day and has the benefit of breaking down any adrenal imbalances. Typically, on waking cortisol levels should rise and we will see a sharp increase in this on the CAR. An hour after waking should be the cortisol high point of the day and gradually decline. Seeing how the body respinds to cortisol in this part of the day, acts as a mini stress test and interventions can be targeted dependent on where the dysfunction may lie.

Who is the DUTCH Plus Test Suitable for?

The DUTCH Test is suitable for all women that want to have a look at their hormone levels and the impact on their menstrual cycle and well-being. The Dutch test can be used when you are taking an oral contraceptive pill or if you are using a Mirena Coil.

The DUTCH test can be used when you are menopausal and it is suitable for monitoring Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

The DUTCH test gives women information on how their cortisol levels respond throughout the day and vital information that can help identify any imbalances.

At Smart Nutrition we pride ourselves in offering the best cost possible for the DUTCH Test – complete dried adrenal and sex hormone test for women.




The DUTCH Plus (adrenal and sex hormone) for Women test measures the key female hormones oestrogen and progesterone, along with the stress hormones cortisol and DHEA-S. It also measures testosterone plus the breakdown products of the above. It covers 35 different hormones.

  • Oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone – the important sex hormones
  • Daily free cortisol including 4 different samples taken over 24 hours providing information about stress patterns throughout the day
  • Oxidative stress marker (8OHdG) providing information about free radicals and damage to cells
  • Melatonin  – the major modulator of circadian rhythms in the body associated with the sleep / wake cycle
  • Organic acids including markers for vitamin B12 (methylmalonate), vitamin B6 (xanthurenate), glutathione (pyroglutamate), dopamine (homovanillate), adrenaline (vanilmandelate), and serotonin (5-hydroxy indole acetate). They provide information about metabolism/workings in the body’s pathways.
  • Cortisol Awakening Response – an indicator of the adrenal function with the natural rise of cortisol in the morning measured.

This test is suitable for any women wanting to investigate possible hormonal imbalances or hormone related conditions such as:

  • Menopause
  • PCOS – polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Osteoporosis
  • Amenorrhea  – no periods
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Low libido
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep issues
  • Mood disorders
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibroids
  • Anovulatory cycle – not ovulating
  • Oestrogen dominance
  • Monitoring hormone replacement therapy

In addition to the hormone conditions mentioned above, this test is really useful to anybody who is potentially suffering from a low or elevated Cortisol Awakening Response. Symptoms could include but not limited to:

  • Excessive psychological burnout
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Poor sleep
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Chronic Pain
  • Chronic stress
  • Glycaemic dysregulation
  • Depression

Other areas that this could be implicated, include:

  • Systemic hypertension
  • GI diseases
  • Postpartum depression
  • Autoimmune diseases




  • 16-OH-E1
  • 2-Methoxy-E1
  • 2-OH-E1
  • 2-OH-E2
  • 24 hour free cortisol
  • 24 hour free cortisone
  • 4-OH-E1
  • 4-OH-E2
  • 5-Hydroxyindolacetate (5HIAA)
  • 5a-Androstanediol
  • 5a-DHT
  • 5b-Androstanediol
  • 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG)
  • a-Pregnanediol
  • a-Tetrahydrocortisol (a-THF)
  • Androsterone
  • b-Hydroxyisovalerate
  • b-Pregnanediol
  • b-Tetrahydrocortisone (b-THE)
  • b-Tetrahyrodcortisol (b-THF)
  • Cortisol (saliva) x 5
  • Cortisone (saliva) x 5
  • DHEA-S
  • DHT
  • Epi-Testosterone
  • Estradiol (E2)
  • Estriol (E3)
  • Estrone (E1)
  • Etiocholanolone
  • Homovanillate (HVA)
  • Indican
  • Melatonin
  • Metabolized cortisol (THF+THE)
  • Methylation activity (2-Me-E1 / 2-OH-E1)
  • Methylmalonic Acid (MMA)
  • Progesterone
  • Progesterone (serum equivalent)
  • Pyroglutamate
  • Quinolinate (neuroinflammation marker)
  • Testosterone
  • Total DHEA
  • Total Oestrogen (Estrogen)
  • Vanilmandelate (VMA)
  • Xanthurenate




DUTCH stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones – it’s a urine hormone test.

The DUTCH Plus test is simple and easy to do. Urine samples are taken using filter paper, making the test suitable for use at home. The DUTCH Plus also incorporates five salvia samples throughout the day.




Before taking the DUTCH Plus test female patients must have gone through puberty and have a menstrual cycle.

Please read the instructions that are included with the DUTCH test. The instructions explain the collection schedule for women with regular and irregular periods, no periods, and peri-menopausal and menopausal women.

Some supplements may impact the result. If you take any of the following, please let your practitioner know: tyrosine, L-Dopa, D,L-Phenylalanine (DLPA), mucuna and quercetin.

2 weeks before 

In terms of tyrosine, it needs to be stopped 2 weeks before collecting the samples for the DUTCH test.

2 days before 

Stop taking vitamin B6 and the other vitamins/minerals.

48 hours prior to sample collection you will need to avoid the following foods: avocados, bananas and fava beans.






15 years and above.




Please return using the pre paid label and shipping instructions included with your test kit.





14 working days.




Your test results will be emailed to you.




What if I miss a collection?
Simply collect the sample as instructed the following day. All samples do not need to be collected in one 24-hour period.

Do I have to take the samples in the order listed?
No, they can be collected in a different order. If you wish you may start with sample #3, followed by #4, #1 & #2. If you begin with #3, collect the extra sample if you wake and urinate in the night.

How long can I keep the dried samples before sending them in?
While hormone levels are very stable in dried samples, they should be sent back as soon as possible. If you have to wait to send them in, place in freezer (in plastic bag) after drying.

Do I need to stop taking my hormones for this test?
This test is built to test patients “on” their hormones. Our suggestion is to follow the Hormone Schedule (listed previously), and any specific instructions given by your provider.

What if my sleep schedule is abnormal (night workers, etc.)?
Collect the bedtime sample (#2) before your longest stretch of sleep, the waking sample (#3) after this sleeping period, and sample #4 two hours later. The dinnertime sample (#1) should be collected 4-7 hours before bed.

What if I am unable to urinate at the specific time?
Simply drink some fluids and go as soon as you are able.

When is best to test after coming off the pill?

It’s advisable to wait three cycles before testing after you’ve come off the pill.





















DUTCH PLUS Test – COMPLETE Adrenal and Sex Hormone Test with CORTISOL AWAKENING RESPONSE (CAR) For Women

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Please do not return samples to the laboratories that may arrive after Wednesday 27th March and up to and including Monday 2nd April.

The laboratories are closed from the 28th March – 2nd April for the Easter Holiday.