Cyrex Array 10 90 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 90 Foods

Test whether you have a food sensitivity to certain foods so that you can modify your diet accordingly.

Cyrex Array 10 90 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 90 Foods

Test whether you have a food sensitivity to certain foods so that you can modify your diet accordingly.

We all eat, and foods are a constant and sustained source of antigens, food may play a much larger role in immune reactivity than has so far been known. While serious food allergies can be life-threatening, there are other types of adverse reactions to foods – food sensitivities. Allergy symptoms can be triggered by a minute amount of food, usually causing an immediate reaction, but a larger dose of the trigger food is required for a food sensitivity reaction to begin and that may not be noticed for some hours or even days.

Common symptoms of food intolerance include:

  • Bloating
  • Migraines
  • Headaches
  • A cough
  • Runny nose
  • Feeling under the weather
  • Stomach ache
  • Irritable bowel
  • Skin rashes

Some people are sensitive to several groups of foods; sometimes the culprit is a common food such as dairy, eggs, a nut, a bean, a grain, a fish, a fruit or a vegetable; or it can be something hidden such as a food colouring, additive or processing aid. This test allows you to identify foods you react to, minimise them in your diet and design a protocol to address the underlying cause for the development of the food reactions through assessing and correcting digestive and gut barrier function. It is recommended for people with:

  • Unexplained digestive, neurological, skin or behavioural symptoms.
  • Autoimmune disease – early detection and avoidance of food triggers can help reduce inflammation and tissue damage in autoimmune disease.
  • Increased intestinal permeability – this is a common reason for developing food sensitivities in the first place.

This test tests for IgG and IgA antibodies.

At Smart Nutrition, we aim to offer the best cost possible for the Cyrex Array 10 90 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 90 Foods test.

The Cyrex Array 10 90 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 90 Foods test looks at levels of IgA and IgG antibodies that are created when you react to a food.

This unique, revolutionary panel measures reactivity to 90 food antigens in the cooked, raw, modified or processed form on the same panel.

Cyrex has developed a new way of testing for food immune reactivity. This method arises from a foundation of science and medicine.

Designed to give you the same unique, revolutionary features you get from Array 10.

This test is designed for people that want to split their testing due cost and findings.  Array 10-90 contains 90 (half) of the most popular foods on the more comprehensive ‘Cyrex Array 10’  (180 foods).

Array 10 90 measures reactivity to food antigens, in cooked, raw, modified or processed forms.


The Cyrex Array 10 90 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 90 Foods tests for reactivity to the following foods:

Dairy and eggs, modified:

Egg white, cooked
Egg yolk, cooked
Soft cheese and hard cheese

Grains, raw and modified:

Rice white and brown, cooked
Wild rice, cooked
Wheat and alpha-gliadins

Beans, modified:

Black bean, cooked
Bean agglutinins
Dark chocolate and cocoa
Garbanzo bean, cooked
Kidney bean, cooked
Lentil, cooked
Pinto beans, cooked
Soy sauce, gluten-free

Nuts and seeds, raw and modified:

Almond, roasted
Flax seed
Mustard seed
Peanut, roasted
Sesame oleosin
Sunflower seeds, roasted

Vegetables, raw and modified:

Asparagus, cooked
Beet, cooked
Bell pepper
Cabbage red and green
Canola oleosin
Cauliflower, cooked
Chili pepper
Eggplant, cooked
Green bean, cooked
Mushroom, raw and cooked
Onion and scallion
Pea, cooked
Potato white, cooked (fried)
Popped corn
Pumpkin and squash, cooked
Spinach and aquaporin
Tomato paste
Yam and sweet potato, cooked
Zucchini, cooked

Fruit, raw and modified:

Cantaloupe and honeydew melon
Coconut meat and water
Grape red and green
Lemon and lime
Peach and nectarine

Fish and seafood, raw and modified:

Cod, cooked
Salmon, cooked
Tuna, cooked
Whitefish, cooked
Crab and lobster, cooked
Clam, cooked
Shrimp, cooked
Shrimp tropomyosin

Meats, modified:

Beef, cooked medium
Chicken, cooked
Pork, cooked
Turkey, cooked
Meat glue

Herbs, raw:

Basil, cilantro

Spices, raw:

Turmeric (curcumin)


Xanthan gum

Brewed beverages and additives:

Honey raw and processed
Food colouring

The Cyrex Array 10 90 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 90 Foods requires a blood sample which will then need to be centrifuged. Centrifuge can be carried out at the lab if the sample is received within 24 hours from the blood draw.

You will need to arrange for a blood sample to be collected either at a laboratory in London, by a nurse at your GP service or at a private clinic or hospital. Any fee for this service is not included with the test fee.


While Cyrex is unable to provide an exhaustive list of medications which may interact with the Cyrex Array 10 90 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 90 Foods due to the interactive complexities and varieties of medications and patient circumstances, the following have been noted:

  • Immunosuppressant and corticosteroid drugs can reduce antibody production and cause false negative results.
  • Limited assessments on the effects of aspirin, acetaminophen, and antipsychotics on Arrays 1-4 have been performed. No noticeable effects were observed.
  • Inhalers can affect the results of Cyrex’s oral fluid testing (Array 1). Wait two weeks after completion of inhalant dosages before collecting the specimen.
  • Unknown cross-reactive epitopes from foods and microorganisms may stimulate the antibody production in the absence of a true antigen. Cyrex has already developed Array 4 in order to recognise the most common antigens in this regard.
  • A gluten-free diet can cause false negative results on gluten protein/peptide tests.
  • Certain conditions, such as ileal pouch surgery, may cause a false positive celiac serology.

Please do not stop any medication without your doctor’s consent.


The Cyrex Array 10 90 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 90 Foods is suitable for ages 3 years and above.

Please return your sample using the prepaid return label.

Please note that samples should only be posted on Monday – Thursday so that they do not arrive over the weekend when the lab is closed.




The turnaround time for the Cyrex Array 10 90 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 90 Foods is 16-20 working days.

Your test results for the Cyrex Array 10 90 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 90 Foods will be emailed to you.

Questions about the Cyrex Array 10 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 180 foods test

What if I have been avoiding certain foods, can I test these with the Cyrex Array 10 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 180 foods test?

If you have been avoiding foods for a while the immune response can be reduced and it is possible to get a false negative results so you do need to have eaten the foods you are testing.

Re introducing Foods

Introduce the food every day for 7 days in ‘normal’ quantities – eat a sandwich, or piece of toast, some cheese, a yoghurt, or a glass of milk etc.
You can arrange your blood draw for  25 – 30 days after day 7.
I usually tell people if day 1 of eating gluten is Day 1. You want to run the test around Day 35. It doesn’t have to be precisely day 35, but if you aim for that then you’ll be good.
If you have been avoiding a broad range of foods we might recommend you do a full food reintroduction process of adding in 1 food at a time, waiting 3 days or so before adding in the next food to assess symptoms. If they get significant symptoms from the food, then it might be better to consider that a positive and leave it out and move on to the next food.
Once all the foods have been added in, which can take several weeks or even a couple of months depending on how many and how reactive you are, you can then do the blood test a month after the last food was added.
Please do not introduce any foods you know you are allergic too  – this is commonly shellfish and peanuts etc but can be any food and can result in a very strong reaction. If you are interested in testing your self for possible food allergies please visit this page.
Please do get in touch with our admin team if you need further clarification about any of the above.

Cyrex Array 10 90 Multiple Food Reactivity Screen 90 Foods

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Please do not return samples to the laboratories that may arrive after Wednesday 27th March and up to and including Monday 2nd April.

The laboratories are closed from the 28th March – 2nd April for the Easter Holiday.