Cyrex Array 3X Wheat and Gluten Reactivity Screen

This test is the most comprehensive test for identifying the wheat and gluten reactivity, looking at over 16 different markers. It identifies whether you react but also which part of the body the reaction happens in.

Cyrex Array 3X Wheat and Gluten Reactivity Screen

This test is the most comprehensive test for identifying the wheat and gluten reactivity, looking at over 16 different markers. It identifies whether you react but also which part of the body the reaction happens in.

This wheat and gluten test can aid in identifying wheat and gluten reactivity, and measure antibody production against 16 different markers including wheat proteins, peptides and essential enzymes.

When the NHS test you for coeliac disease they are only looking for one type of tissue: transglutaminase. This therefore misses many other possible reactions to gluten including other transglutaminases, wheat proteins including gliadin and mers, smaller chains of wheat proteins that the immune system can react to as well as opioid peptides.

This is one of the most comprehensive panels available for establishing which component of the wheat protein challenges your immune system therefore producing antibodies as a response. With the inclusion of opioid peptides, which have been linked to symptoms such as brain fog, behavioural problems, mood swings, depression and other neurological complaints, a clearer picture can be created in terms of identifying the underlying causes of related symptoms. The test also includes various tissue transglutaminases, which indicates damage to various tissues in the body including neural tissue.

At Smart Nutrition we pride ourselves in offering the best cost possible for the Cyrex Array 3 Wheat and Gluten Reactivity Screen test.

The cyrex array 3 wheat and gluten reactivity screen is recommended if you:

  • Have non-responsive gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Present multiple-symptom complaints (including chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia)
  • Suffer from depression or neuro-autoimmunity


Please note that a gluten-free diet can cause false negative results on gluten protein/peptide tests.

The cyrex array 3 wheat and gluten reactivity screen measures:

Wheat IgA and IgG

Wheatgerm Agglutinin IgA and IgG

Native and deamidated Alpha-Gliadin-33-mer

Non gluten proteins A – IgA and IgG

Non gluten proteins B – IgA and IgG

Gliadin toxic peptides – IgA and IgG

Native and deamidated Alpha-Gliadin-33-mer – IgA

Native and deamidated Alpha-Gliadin-33-mer – IgG

Alpha-Gliadin-17-mer – IgA and IgG

Gamma-Gliadin-15-mer – IgA and IgG

Gamma-Gliadin-17-mer – IgA and IgG

Omega-Gliadin-17-mer – IgA and IgG

Glutenin-21-mer – IgA and IgG

Gluteomorphin and Prodynorphin IgA and IgG

Gliadin-Transglutaminase complex – IgA and IgG

Microbial Transglutaminase – IgA and IgG

Transglutaminase-2 IgA and IgG

Transglutaminase-3 IgA and IgG

Transglutaminase-6 IgA and IgG



The cyrex array 3 wheat and gluten reactivity screen is a blood test that requires a blood sample which will then need to be centrifuged. Centrifuge can be carried out at the lab if the sample is received within 24 hours from the blood draw.

You will need to arrange for a blood sample to be collected either at a laboratory in London, by a nurse at your GP service or at a private clinic or hospital. Any fee for this service is not included with the test fee.

While Cyrex is unable to provide an exhaustive list of medications due to the interactive complexities and varieties of medications and patient circumstances, the following has been noted:

  • Immunosuppressant and corticosteroid drugs can reduce antibody production and cause false negative results.
  • Limited assessments on the effects of aspirin, acetaminophen, and antipsychotics on Arrays 1-4 have been performed. No noticeable effects were observed.
  • Inhalers can affect the results of Cyrex’s oral fluid testing (Array 1). Wait two weeks after completion of inhalant dosages before collecting the specimen.
  • Unknown cross-reactive epitopes from foods and microorganisms may stimulate the antibody production in the absence of a true antigen. Cyrex has already developed Array 4 in order to recognise the most common antigens in this regard.
  • A gluten-free diet can cause false negative results on gluten protein/peptide tests.
  • Certain conditions, such as ileal pouch surgery, may cause a false positive celiac serology.


Please do not stop any medication without your doctor’s consent.


Please return your sample using the prepaid return label.

Please note that samples should only be posted on Monday – Thursday so that they do not arrive over the weekend when the lab is closed.


Age 3 years and above.

You will receive your Cyrex array 3x wheat and gluten reactivity screen results in 16 – 20 working days.

Your test results will be emailed to you.

Cyrex Array 3X Wheat and Gluten Reactivity Screen

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Please do not return samples to the laboratories that may arrive after Wednesday 27th March and up to and including Monday 2nd April.

The laboratories are closed from the 28th March – 2nd April for the Easter Holiday.