Test your Detoxification Genes and support any areas that are compromised.
Test your genes involved in the thyroid and support any areas that are compromised.
Test your genes involved in the thyroid and support any areas that are compromised.
The thyroid is an endocrine gland that is situated in the neck and is involved in the metabolism of every cell in the body. Your thyroid produces and releases the following hormones:
When the thyroid isn’t working properly, it can impact the entire body as all your cells need energy to function and the thyroid is responsible for controlling the speed of your metabolism.
Complications can happen when the thyroid either speeds up or slows down; with hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) or hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) presenting. In addition, thyroid autoimmunity, such as Graves and Hashimoto’s, or imbalance in the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid (HPT) axis and thyroid cancers all have an impact on the thyroid. All of these factors will influence the transportation, activation and response within the body to thyroid hormones.
A well functioning thyroid is essential to the following systems:
Cardiovascular system – the thyroid helps regulate the heartbeat, rate and strength, controlling the amount of blood that is pumped around the body.
Nervous system – thyroid hormones can influence both the development and function of both the peripheral and central nervous system
Digestive system – involved in how food moves through your system
Reproductive system – Good thyroid hormone production is essential for fertility and regular menstruation.
Thyroid hormone production is sensitive to genetic and environmental factors. Nutrients that have a direct effect on the thyroid include tyrosine, selenium and iodine, along with a host of co-factors. Toxins that can really impact thyroid function include fluoride, moulds or chlorine. Bacteria and viruses can impact and also lifestyle factors and stressors.
The Genetic Thyroid Test looks at your DNA to find tiny differences called SNPs, which can affect the thyroid hormone lifecycle.
It looks at the genes involves in synthesis within the thyroid, activation in peripheral tissues, transport, and metabolism. It also evaluates the processing of cofactors such as vitamins D and A, as well as inhibitors like stress and toxins. Additionally, the report examines genes that may increase susceptibility to inflammation and autoimmunity.
If your thyroid is not functioning effectively then it can increase susceptibility to various health conditions. Thyroid problems are becoming very common and genetically women are 5 to 8 times more likely to be affected.
Thyroid conditions can be split into primary or secondary. Primary is when the thyroid gland is directly impacted and secondary, when the pituitary gland is effected and this influences the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) that is produced.
Symptoms can be grouped to whether it is linked with over or under production.
Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) – Fatigue, weight gain, cold extremities, cold intolerance, constipation, depression, dry skin and low libido.
Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) – heart palpitations, anxiety, heat intolerance, insomnia and weight loss.
If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition then understanding genetic thyroid factors is useful.
The genetic thyroid test assesses genes associated with the sub-cycles below:
HPT Axis: CAPZB, FKBP5, GPX1*, PDE8B, TG*, TSHR* (*also involved in autoimmunity)
Autoimmune: CTLA4, FOXE1, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1 and PTPN22
Inflammation: CD40, FCRL3, IL6, TNF, GC and VDR
Transport: SLCO1B1 and SLCO1C1
Activation: DIO1, DIO2, BCO1, GC and VDR
Metabolism: SULT1A1, SULT1E1, UGT1A1
We have a team of functional medicine practitioners and registered nutritional therapists that we can refer you to help you with your results should you need any additional support. This is not included in the cost of the test.
Each test is processed in an ISO certified UK laboratory and all samples are completely destroyed after 3 months. All client genotyping data is marked for destruction at 5 months and completely destroyed by 6 months.
The client report, the data and the DNA sample is never (and will never be) shared with, or sold to third parties. All of the data extraction and analysis is done in the UK.
At Smart Nutrition we pride ourselves in offering the best cost possible for the Genetic Thyroid test.
Thyroid imbalance presents with many symptoms and have been associated with many clinical conditions including, but not limited to:
Weight gain
Cold extremities or intolerance
Dry skin
Low libido
Heart palpitations
Heat intolerance
Weight loss
The symptoms will relate to whether the thyroid is under or over producing.
The genetic thyroid test assesses genes associated with the sub-cycles below:
HPT Axis: CAPZB, FKBP5, GPX1*, PDE8B, TG*, TSHR* (*also involved in autoimmunity)
Autoimmune: CTLA4, FOXE1, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1 and PTPN22
Inflammation: CD40, FCRL3, IL6, TNF, GC and VDR
Transport: SLCO1B1 and SLCO1C1
Activation: DIO1, DIO2, BCO1, GC and VDR
Metabolism: SULT1A1, SULT1E1, UGT1A1
Buccal cheek swab.
Collecting your samples for the genetic thyroid test is simple, it is a non invasive cheek swab and is suitable for all ages as long as a cheek swab can be collected.
You need to have a break from eating and drinking at least one hour before doing the genetic thyroid test.
As the test is looking at genetic code, which is fixed, the test is not impacted by illness, infections, medication, the food you eat, or supplements you take. To avoid contamination of the sample, please abstain from eating/drinking for at least 1 hour before testing.
The genetic thyroid test is available for anyone, including children, with the consent of a parent or guardian. When testing a child under 18, parental consent is required.
Results for the genetic thyroid test are available in 2.5 weeks.
Your genetic thyroid test results will be emailed to you.
We are here to offer ongoing support as you progress through your health journey, regardless of your test results. Should you have any inquiries or require additional assistance we are happy to help you.
If you feel you need additional support in addressing your health concerns, we suggest considering collaboration with the Functional Medicine and Nutrition Consultations Clinic. (website coming soon)
Karen Preece SmithÂ
As you can see Olga and Karen can help you address areas highlighted by your genetic thyroid test results, crafting a personalised plan tailored to your specific needs. This comprehensive approach would include recommendations regarding your Genetic thyroid test results and any necessary further diagnostic testing depending on your goals, supplementation, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle recommendations, all presented with clear, easy-to-follow guidance.
How to Book your appointment
£150 an hour but you will also receive a £20 off your first appointment discount code with the results.
Many people book a 1 hour session to go over and understand their results.And lots of people want further ongoing support as they want to address their health concerns in more details.
We use lifecodeGX for our genetic detoxification test.
Each test is processed in an ISO certified UK laboratory and all samples are completely destroyed after 3 months. All client genotyping data is marked for destruction after 5 months and completely destroyed by 6 months.
Please see the ISO Certifications below:
LifeCodeGX does not provide the raw data. It is only used as a means to produce the report and therefore not produced in the report.
If you did your genetic test within 3 months we can upgrade it without you needing a new DNA kit.
We don’t use data from any third parties like 23&Me. Unfortunately, it doesn’t include many of the important SNPs that are needed to perform our analysis and produce our detailed reports. We also prefer to use our own testing and data for confidentiality reasons. All of our packages include a Lifecode Gx DNA test to ensure completeness and accuracy.
All sample reports are for representational and educational purposes only. Biomarkers, references ranges, results, and all other data may differ from actual reports. All data included in no way represents an actual patient. Any comparisons of results to actual patients is completely incidental.Â
Test your Detoxification Genes and support any areas that are compromised.
Stress can directly impact your thyroid function and your metabolism. This test looks at both stress levels, cortisol, and how this impacts your thyroid function.
Test your methylation genes and support any areas that are compromised.
This thyroid test looks at T3 and T4 and the ratios of these markers. This can help pick up subclinical hypothyroidism.
Test all your thyroid markers with this test and correct any imbalances for optimal wellbeing.
Please do not return samples to the laboratories that may arrive after Wednesday 27th March and up to and including Monday 2nd April.
The laboratories are closed from the 28th March – 2nd April for the Easter Holiday.